While it’s still cold outside, use your time inside to do some home maintenance. We know your life is busy, so we’ve kept this list concise and simple for you. Get proactive to ensure a safe home for your family.
Rotate your Mattress
Prolong your mattress by rotating or flipping it at least once a year. Deciding whether to flip or rotate it, depends on the type of mattress you have.
Clean Your Garbage Disposal
This should take you no more than 10 minutes. It’s often overlooked, but cleaning the garbage disposal is an essential home maintenance task. Check online for various options to properly and efficiently clean your garbage disposal.
Touch Up the Walls and Doors
Remove those scuff marks and touch up the paint. Use a product like a Magic Eraser to remove scuff marks. Touch-ups don’t have to be a major pain, try using a special paint tool designed for nicks and small scratches.
Check the Caulking
Water seeps through unseen areas. Help mitigate water damage and potential mold issues by checking caulk and grout around your sink, tub and shower. Caulk and repair where needed.
Move the Fridge & Clean the Coils
You can easily extend the life of your refrigerator and increase its efficiency by periodically cleaning its condenser coils.
Service Your HVAC Unit
Your HVAC unit should be serviced at least once a year. Regular maintenance can help reduce utility bills while also extending the life of your HVAC system. The cost to have your system cleaned runs approximately $100-$150.
Use a Water Leak Detector
Water heaters, washing machines, basements – what do these all have in common? The potential to cause havoc from a major water leak. Other areas of your home also have potential to leak too. Investing in a water leak detectors is a great idea. There are several types on the market, and you can even set an alert on your phone.
Clean your Furniture
In Canada, Winter months often mean spending more time indoors. Take some time and make sure your furniture is fresh and in tip top shape. The average cost to have your furniture professionally cleaned is less than $200.
Test for Radon
Radon is something you can’t see or smell. It’s a dangerous gas and breathing in high levels of it can increase your risk for lung cancer. In the United States it’s the #2 cause for lung cancer, and 1 out of every 15 homes have high radon levels. It is inexpensive to buy a radon test, so make sure you do so.